Study and design of pre-cast bridge Al-Ahsa-Dammam highway
Site Abqaiq
Client Abqaiq Municipality
Duration 12 Months
Type of work Design

A brief overview of the work

Located on (Al-Ahsa - Dammam) highway in Abqaiq province to connect the plan (16/12) through two streets of (40 m) width located within the plan, east and west of (Al-Ahsa - Dammam) highway. The bridge passes over (Al-Ahsa-Dammam) highway with a width of (84 m), a desalination pipeline and a high-pressure electricity line with a width of (100 m), which is located west of the highway. It also passes over a 40m wide street parallel to and adjacent to the water and electricity line.

Project Description:
  • (1) The bridge consists of a concrete barrier (70 cm) wide and a two-lane path in each direction of (3.6 m) wide with an emergency lane in each direction (2.5 m) wide.
  • (2) West Street (width "40 m") remains on its levels under which it is being implemented.
  • (3) A service road on the eastern side consisting of two lanes one direction (3.3 m) wide for each lane.
  • (4) The proposed bridge extends above the service road, whose levels will be close to the current levels of the road (Al-Ahsa – Dammam road).
  • (5) Traffic under the bridge will be controlled at the triple intersection to the west by (Stop) signs, and may need to use a traffic light in the future when traffic density increase.